Architecture Minnesota, May-June 1999: “Basic Design.”
Country Living, October 2004: “Cast A Spell.”
JAE, February 1995: “Adolf Loos’s Raumplan Theory.”
Life, May 1999: “The 1999 Life Dream House.”
Midwest Home, June/July 2008: “Cake Walk.”
Midwest Home, May 2006: “Style Fusion.”
Midwest Home, September 2004: “Back To School.”
Midwest Home, August-September 1997: “Kitchens Come Full Circle.”
Midwest Home, April-May 1997: “Cottage Revival.”
Money Magazine, January 2007:  “Cellars Market.”
Money Magazine, November 2006:  “Showering with Praise.”
Money Magazine, July 2005: “Money Laundering.”
Money Magazine, June 2005:  “Cookin in the Kitchen.”
Mpls. St. Paul Home, Summer 2009:  “Fresh Twist at 510 Groveland.”
Mpls. St. Paul Home, Spring 2009:  “Period Flair” and “Awash with Creativity.”
Mpls. St. Paul, June 2009: “Roomology.”
Mpls. St. Paul, November 2003: “This Old House.”
Mpls. St. Paul, May 2001: “Glass Act.”
Pioneer Press, November 2002: “Room to Grow.”
Renovation Style, Early Spring 2010:  “Tailored.”
Renovation Style, Winter 2007:  “Natural Evolution.”
Renovation Style, December 2002: “Suite Success.”
Renovation Style, Winter 1997: “Where Good Friends Gather.”
Romantic Homes, December 2003: “Elements of Style.”
Trends, Volume 23, No 10: “Sunny Laundering.”
Twin Cities Spaces, February/March 2008: “Good Stewards.”

Not So Big House (Sarah Susanka, The Taunton Press)
Creating the Not So Big House (Sarah Susanka, The Taunton Press)
Inside the Not So Big House (Sarah Susanka, The Taunton Press)
Old House/ New House (City of Duluth, Department of Planning & Development, July 1986)
House Transformed (Matt Schoenherr, The Taunton Press)

Mpls. St. Paul 2003 & 2010 Home Tours (Kathy Olmstead)

Preservation Award, Preservation Alliance of MN for St. Martin’s by-the-Lake, 2006
Preservation Award, Preservation Alliance of MN for “River House,” 2004
Honor Award, Duluth Preservation Alliance, Witrak Residence, 2003

Ulland Restoration Projects
National Trust for Historic Preservation Service Award, 1987
Duluth Preservation Alliance Awards, 1980-1984
City of Duluth, Commendation, Chair, Downtown Duluth Renaissance Design Review Committee, 1984